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CoQ 10

New Chapter Coenzyme B Food Complex 90T


List Price: $35.95
Your Price: $25.17
You Save: $10.78
Item Number: 604
Manufacturer: New Chapter 30% OFF
* Whole number only
�â¬ï¿½ Whole-Food Cultured Nutrients to support and nourish healthy metabolic and nervous system function* �â¬ï¿½ Provides a full array of "earth and ocean" greens with phytonutrients for normal metabolic functioning* �â¬ï¿½ Eleuthero/Lemon Balm herbal extract complex supports digestion and adaptation to stress*
Bio-Grown Food-Cultured Nutrients result from a broth in which live nutritional yeast is cultured with the listed vitamins, minerals, whole soy flour and food concentrates. Our biologically alive process results in nutrients that are remarkably easy to digest and utilize, while simultaneously offering naturally occuring phytonutrients such as soy isoflavones, beta glucans, bioflavonoids, SOD, glutathione, lipoic acid and enzymes.
100% vegetarian, no binders, fillers or artificial colors and flavorings.
