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CoQ 10

Natures Way Ginger Root 180C


List Price: $12.49
Your Price: $8.12
You Save: $4.37
Item Number: 13108
Manufacturer: Natures Way 30 to 40% OFF
* Whole number only
Encapsulated Ginger root with a guaranteed natural potency of 1.5% essential oil, mainly gingerol and shogaol. Ginger root eases the discomfort associated with travel and stimulates digestion to promote gastrointestinal comfort. Ginger (Zingber Officinalis) is a carmative herb suggested for gastrointestinal upsets, nausea, motion sickness, colds & flu, indigestion, gas, muscle pains, menstrual pain, colon disorders, hepatic complaints, rheumatic and circulatory complaints.
