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CoQ 10

Dymatize Glutamine Powder 1 kilo


List Price: $64.99
Your Price: $45.49
You Save: $19.50
Item Number: 300072
Manufacturer: Dymatize 25 to 30% OFF
* Whole number only
L-Glutamine, the free form amino acid, is the singel most abundant amino acid present in skeletal muscle. L-Glutamine may support muscle tissue by limiting the degradation of protein through nitrogen retention, glycogen synthesis, and protein synthesis. L-Glutamin may also assist in the fueling and detoxifying of the brain. Thus, L-Glutamine has been dubbed "the thinker's amino". L-Glutamine's muscle and brain tissue supporting qualities have made L-Glutamine an invaluable addition to an athlete's regimen. Additional Informationhttp://www.dymatize.com/
