Vibrant Health Green Vibrance 30 Day Supply

Green Vibrance��® The Greatest Food on Earth™ Nutritional Powerhouse Strengthens Immunity Improves Digestion Improves Circulation Fights Stress Builds Energy & Endurance Best Tasting Green Superfood It has led the way since 1992. The others are still following. It�s profound. It�s the greening of America. The Benefits The Green Vibrance formula was designed and balanced to help establish good health. Its many ingredients were chosen carefully to achieve clear goals. More complete nutrition; a host of scarce nutrients Improved digestion and gastrointestinal function Improved circulation A stronger skeleton resistant to osteoporosis More energy Improved clearance of waste products of metabolism; detoxification Improved neurological health Improved cardiovascular function and health Increased endurance Improved blood sugar control Strengthened immunity Slowed aging And some consumers swear they look younger* Who Can Use Green Vibrance? In a word: EVERYONE! The ill (helps restore health) Menopausal and post-menopausal women Athletes (improves strength, endurance, supplies anti-oxidant protection) Businessmen and housewives (combats stress) Children (fuels growth & learning) Seniors (combats effects of aging; maintains cellular vitality)*

Price: $34.99
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Manufactured by Vibrant Health

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