Nitrox II Softgels 180's

Sci Fit, the pioneer in nitric oxide enhancing formulations, presents Nitrox II. Nitrox II utilizes the same pharmaceutical based pH controlled delivery system as our original Nitrox soft gels, and combines a state of the art mix of nitric oxide enhancing and cell volumizing nutrients. Citrulline Malate and L-Arginine AKG are known to have a synergistic effect on nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric Oxide (NO) products featuring Arginine AKG exclusively are cutting themselves short…by 50%! Research shows Citrulline Malate not only is the direct precursor to NO, but also increases blood serum Arginine levels more efficiently than L-Arginine itself!1 Read that scientific discovery again. Nitrox II takes this documented research and constructed the most power packed pump and endurance agent, and then advances the technology even further. The liquid soft gel pH controlled delivery system enables rapid and complete absorption that will ensure more strength, endurance and improved recovery times with only two soft gels. But this product doesn’t stop there! Nitrox II also -- Added cell volumizing L-Taurine that supports a sustained muscle pump. Contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, which supports nutrient transportation, cellular uptake and ATP production. Incorporates Vanadyl Sulfate further maximizing muscle pumps and overall vascularity. Supports newfound levels of aerobic endurance. Acts as its own free radical scavenger necessary to sustain NO production. Stack with the patented Sci Fit Kre-Alkalyn 1500 to physically experience the latest technology in strength, mass, recovery and full muscle belly vein popping pumps. 1. Yearick, E.S. et al, (1967)

Price: $49.99
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Manufactured by Sci-fit

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