Next Proteins Designer GlyceLean 4lb

Finally a Slower Whey To Faster Muscle Growth For 8 Hours Straight, Even While You Sleep... Whey is the fastest protein on the planet. Flooding the bloodstream with lightning quick speed, whey increases protein synthesis better than any protein available. But whey's greatest strength - it's speed of delivery - is whey's greatest weakness. Whey is digested so rapidly that up to 58% of the protein found in regular everyday whey will never reach your muscles. The protein gets oxidized by the liver for energy - destroying any hope you had of improving your muscle growth. Unfortunately, this metabolic defect is present in every simpleregular whey protein product on the shelf today. This flaw of nature makes your daily scoops of regular whey useless at stopping catabolism - muscle tissue breakdown. Medical research shows muscle tissue breakdown can best be prevented by slower protein release, something no regular whey-containing protein powder can ever provide.

Price: $48.99
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