Healthy N Fit Muscular Weight Gain 2 // 4.4lb

Healthy N' Fit Muscular Weight Gain. Specially formulated with milk & egg protein and amino acids. Specially formulated to induce a quality weight gain of muscular bodyweight not adipose bodyweight (fat tissue). Some of our competition use Maltodextrin as a major ingredient in their muscle building products. This complex carbohydrate is quite useful as an energy fuel but cannot build muscle tissue. Unfortunately, some companies consider raw material cost over quality and usefulness. Maltodextrin costs approximately 50 cents per lb. While our more beneficial and protein baring ingredients average more than four times that amount. Nearly 85% of our ingredients are muscle building protein baring nutrients. Since only protein can build muscle tissue, Healthy N Fit has added over 50% more protein and has the highest protein P.E.R. available in a weight gain product. The protein efficiency ratio (P.E.R.) is the renowned proven scientific method also used by the U.S. Government which determines the quality of protein and how it affects growth. Our product is hydrolyzed for more beneficial assimilation. Anyone trying to gain muscular body weight needs to add additional natural calories to their diet. Increasing your normal bulk food intake can overload your digestive system with additional bulk food. Be skeptical of products listing many fancy ingredients with little or nor potencies. This usually indicates that trace amounts of ingredients were used for "Window Dressing", surely not for any muscle building effect. This product is a concentrated high calorie, high protein concentrated food product with its primary ingredients consisting of milk and egg protein and amino acids. Our name (Muscular Weight Gain) implies our product is geared for only bodybuilders and athletes. Although it was formulated with the bodybuilder and athlete in mind, the concept was to make a product that anyone can use to gain weight naturally. In combination with training, Muscular Weight Gain was formulated to produce a quality weight gain of lean body mass (healthy muscle tissue) and not adipose weight (unhealthy fat tissue). Competing brands available are highly saturated with white sugar (sucrose), starch, hydrogenated vegetable oils, fats and other junk and inexpensive ingredients to boost calorie content. Be leary of these companies as these non-nutritive additives will produce a definite weight gain, but one of fat tissue, which is not healthy and a burden on your entire system (especially your heart). Many physicians and nutritionists feel white and brown sugar are a hazard to your health. Products with artificial sweetener should also be avoided. Healthy N Fit N Muscular weight Gain contains only natural fruit sugar (fructose) allowing you to avoid white an brown sugar side effects without giving up sweetness, a terrific natural energy source and the beneficial protein sparing effect of fructose. Best selling protein powder for aiding the increase of muscular bodyweight, absolutely delicious & instant in fat free or whole milk, water or juice - no blender needed. Only best rated proteins for muscle growth are used - whey, milk * egg. Nearly 1400 calories and 100 grams protein per daily dosage always split the daily dosage o high protein-calorie drinks into 2 servings daily only use 1/2 the dairy dosage (one serving daily) if a slower aim is desired. Directions: Combine 5 heaping tablespoons of Muscular Weight Gain with 2 cups (16ozs.) whole milk. This serving should be taken twice daily for maximum results. Drink with or after a regular meal or preferably between meals as a snack. Do not reduce your regular food intake. For best results, use a blender. Additional items can be added to further increase the calorie content of Muscular Weight Gain such as bananas, strawberries, natural ice cream, wheat germ, honey etc. Muscular Weight Gain is naturally delicious! This container is filled by weight. Some settling of contents may have occurred during shipping and handling. Ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrate, 100% Pure Fruit Sugar (fructose), Calcium Caseinate, 100% Pure Extracted Egg Albumen, Vanilla Flavoring, Natural Amino Acids, Papain and Bromelain (digestive enzymes). 8 Essential Amino acids: Methionine...729mg, Isoleucine...1827mg, Tryptophan...567mg, Phenylalanine�€�1239mg, Valine�€�1899mg, Lysine�€�2589mg, Leucine�€�3285mg, Threonine�€�1701mg Does not contain Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils Or Fats, Starch, White Sugar (Sucrose), Soy, Maltodextrin, Yeast, Milk Solids, Fillers.

Price: $27.89
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