Provides All The Elements Needed For Maximum Absorption And Retention. Glutamine and Taurine are the two most abundant free form amino acids in muscle tissue. The importance of maintaining high muscle Glutamine levels is well documented. The stress of high intensity training can drop muscle Glutamine levels to a range where catabolism of muscle tissue begins and anabolism (growth) is impossible. The optimum form of Glutamine to maintain high tissue levels of Glutamine is Alpha-Ketoglutarate in conjunction with L-Glutamine. Eclipse 2000 has taken this formula and added vital supporting nutrients: RNA, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Taurine (second only to L-Glutamine as the most abundant free form amino acid in muscle tissue). Glutamine 2 is an outstanding post workout supplement to ensure that your body remains in an anabolic state and that your workout doesn't go to waste.
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