Saw Palmetto (Serona Repens) has been discovered by scientist to prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydortestosterone which helps to prevent the development of prostate disease. Saw Palmetto is also suggested for genitourinary problems, endocrine disorders, infertility, impotence, menstrual disorders, ovarian dysfunction, lactation, thyroid deficiencies, and painful menstrual periods. Since 1922, Alvita has been making the finest herb teas money can buy, Pure, natural singles and blends that bring you unsurpassed enjoyment, healthful benefits and complete satisfaction. No less reassuring is our unwavering commitment to the environment. Today, no herb tea company goes as far to protect the Earth and its precious resources-this package and its contents being testimony. There is no plastic shrink wrap on the outside. The box is 100% recycled board that can be recycled again. The finish is soybean-based. Our tea bags are English Pillow Style, with no strings, tags or staples attached. Even the tea bag paper is recyclable. And all our bags are oxygen bleached, not chlorine bleached, to safeguard you and our ground water. Degradable. Recyclable. Reusable. The key component of each is the word "able". At Alvita, we wholeheartedly believe we are all able to play a key role in preserving the wondrous world we live in. For us, it starts with offering you the most environmentally safe and responsible herb teas possible. A native of the coastal dunes of Florida and Texas, Saw Palmetto (Sereona repens) has been an important food source for the local Indian populations. Native Americans have long consumed the fruit of this tree, harvested honey from its flowers, and the fanlike branches of this palm also made serviceable brooms. The palm-heart or terminal bud of the Saw Palmetto makes an excellent salad or cooked vegetable. In addition, all parts of the plant are known for their health properties, some of which were borrowed by European settlers. A number of recent studies suggest that extracts of the plant may be beneficial in the management of specific health concerns. Alvita. Natural Herb Teas that are good for you and the environment.